Let us live for each other, not at each other ~ Gurmukh ~ Kundalini Yoga Festival ~ India 2011

What if we genuinely cared for one another? I mean caring in the sense that we actually took an interest in another person, what they had to say, what they have been up to. This means you give them the time to speak without needing to speak your self. What I’ve been noticing lately is that everyone has their own agenda. They are not really interested in what you have to say or what you’ve been going through. They really just know how to talk about themselves. Listening is a practice that has been lost. Learning to listening begins with you, taking the time to be quiet within yourself and allowing the busyness of the mind to quieten down; a practice of being quiet everyday; solitude; to feel replenished and listened too by your deeper self. Then your need to talk, talk talk about yourself would soften.  Then we could truly begin to live for each other rather than at each other.

Posted in thought of the day.